Throughout my placements so far, I have not had the opportunity to see moving image education (MIE) being used in the classroom and so before researching it did not fully understand what it really was.
However I now know that the term "moving image education refers to learning and teaching practices which develop moving image media literacy." (Moving image Education no page given). These practices involve analysing moving image text, creating them, exploring, appreciating and sharing them and being able to make judgements about them. This can all be shown through the 3 C's of media literacy which are creative, cultural and critical. Many people believe that the 3 C's overlap each other as one whole and help to support the development of each other rather than each one being a separate learning experience.

In reflection I now believe that MIE has a definite place within the classroom as children are exposed to moving images from an early age through watching cartoons, films and adverts and it is a large part of our culture. Within the classroom it is possible to use films as a stimuli for creative writing or allowing the class to write, film and edit a short film. This was something thatmy group and I did last week about the Discovery ship in Dundee. I realised by doing this the different cross-curricular areas that can be included and that it is definately a way of engaging and motivating children.
MIE in practice
One way in which MIE can be used in the early years is a through a model that Mairi Flood one of Scottish Screens lead practioners developed. One of examples was the children were firstly given the role of film detectives and they then had to watch various films and discuss and analyse them using the crtieria of colour, camera and character and story, setting and sound. They then used what they had learnt to create their own short clips using photography and sounds.
To learn more about the different areas that were included in Mairi's model go to:
Creative Scotland (2009) Moving Image Education.
Available online [Accessed 29/01/12]
Scottish Executive (2006) Moving Image Education and A Curriculum for Excellence.
Available online
[Accessed 29/01/12]
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